Our Building Story
The Story so far!
2011 - 2013
After many years of hiring rooms, in September 2011, we became aware that the Conservative Club in Milnrow had suddenly become available with immediate vacant possession. The members of New Life, together with Christians from other churches stood with us, offering astounding financial pledges of support which enabled us to acquire the building.
This was ‘just the beginning’ and sacrificial hard work was required as the building was in a much-needed state of internal and external repair. Concentrating mainly on the upstairs main hall we eventually held our first Sunday Service at the end of January 2013.
2014 - 2015
Our very own building immediately opened up a whole host of possibilities including Alpha courses, men’s and ladiess events, various evening services, comedy events to name but a few. Most notably, being able to run the weekly Kidz Klub event in house was a great bonus.
After a time of rest from the building work, another generous offering from New Life members enabled us to complete another phase of the building work in 2015. The rooms making up two levels in the stone building attached to the back elevation were completely renovated and now comprises an upstairs admin office, a lower ground room prayer/counselling/meeting room, a kitchenette and a WC.
Further building work took place in 2016 creating two multipurpose children’s rooms. These are used for Junior Church groups on Sundays and can also host various meetings during the week. One is resourced with pre-school toys so is useful if parents with younger children need to chat whilst the children play.
2018 - 2019
In 2019 we completed work on a side room which is an extension of the coffee lounge area. The space is well used by the youth, a weekly art group and a befriending hub. We also addressed significant damp issues and had a new toilet block built with disabled access.
As the church grows and the children, youth and community support develop we believe an up to date functional building will enable members of the church to be better resourced to serve our community which is our New Life vision.
2021: We have Lift off!
At the start of 2021 work was completed on a lift to enable us to welcome everyone into main church hall. Pictures below the building work from start to completion.
2024:The work continues!
We are delighted to announce that work is about to commence in November on the refurbishment of the coffee lounge and work is expected to take 3-4 months to complete. To see pictures of the artist impression of the proposed lounge click here,